Nurses' Corner

Nurse Roseann Bainbridge
Health Office
The Health Office is available to all students during school hours should they need assistance.
Important health/medical information can be found in the student handbook pgs. 23-26.
If your child is going to be absent, please notify the school at (908) 352-7664 ext. 2410 or 2441.
If absent 3 or more days a note is required upon return.
Please complete the emergency card on both sides.
Should your numbers change during the year, please contact the school as soon as possible to update our information.
School Nurse
Administers to illnesses and gives first aid for injuries that occur in school, contacting parents when needed.
Acts as a consultant to teachers regarding the medical needs of the children.
Does appropriate screening examinations.
Schedules school providers for the screenings they do.
Cannot administer medication without a doctor’s note and the school’s Medication Requests Form in accordance with policy #5330.
Updated medical records, which include immunizations, screening results, history of childhood diseases, chronic illnesses, operations, and injuries are kept on each child. All health records and contents are confidential information. Should you have any concerns, feel free to contact the school nurse. If a child’s immunizations are not up to date, the child will be excluded from school until all medical records are up to date
Students who become ill in school cannot be sent home unless a parent/guardian is notified and provisions are approved.
Diagnosing or treatment beyond first aid procedures is not within the responsibility of the school.
A parent/guardian or emergency contacts listed on the emergency card must come to school to take the student home. Please notify the school when your child will be absent. All health records and contents are confidential information. Should you have any concerns, feel free to contact the school nurse.